Hi Beautiful!

I’m glad you landed here because I’ve got lots to share on my passion per holistic health and the stunning outcome it has on the power of healing the most dreaded enigma – ACNE. I’m here to share my rollercoaster journey to finally enjoy the freedom to clear, smooth, and glowing skin.

Having an obsession with the beauty industry since the age of 5 by watching my mom apply a skincare product (which always smelled like a bouquet of fresh cut flowers), followed by powder, mascara, and lipstick – her charming glance being all dolled up made me wish to grow up faster, so I could enjoy the same effects of makeup + skincare!

That day certainly came but under a completely different circumstance – a devastating physical and mental condition that makes one horrified each time looking at the reflection – acne.

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The skin condition came purging like a plague and left me with the only choices that I had at the time meds with side effects, harsh topicals, and thick, pore clogging makeup.

My Early Days…

Battling acne for 18 years (no joke) was painful, embarrassing, and for the most part – an anxiety filled everyday life. Someone that has never experienced a face full of red, inflamed, cystic pimples that don’t clear away for days and even weeks at a time won’t understand what that’s like.

But I do.

I’ve been there every second of my being feeling hopeless and trapped. I’m here to share and help you clear this mystery through non-conventional medicine – hey, for some, dermatology visits work, but for the rest of us that are left in the dark – something extra special has to be whipped up 😉 and it won’t be the traditional meds business.

Going into adulthood in my 20’s felt like a deadbeat challenge every day to wake up and just pray that I didn’t have another angry pimple staring back at me in the mirror.

Unfortunately, it really felt like a distant dreamwake up to clear, smooth complexion that was just happy and supple without zero need for makeup.

Trying All the Options…

I saw all the “best” dermatologists in the area, but they all had the same exact prescriptions – antibiotics + harsh and abrasive topicals that peeled and burned my face.

Trying spa skincare and department store brands wasn’t any different, really. TV infomercial products gave me a rash that lasted for weeks.

Every time there was a hot product out that was supposed to clear acne, I’d buy it like it was a sale of the century, only to realize disappointment a few weeks later when it’d stop working. I was lost…

Although, having non-stop acne just sucked, I realized that I had to become bff’s with a perfect makeup foundation that would at the least give me some confidence while at work and on weekends.

Every Sephora employee at 3 different locations in my area would come to know me like your fave barista at the local coffee shop.

I was a regular – every week. I’d try every foundation – from liquid, mineral, cream and powder just to finally get relief of having to face people without some anxiety in the process.

My problem was that not only did I have acne, but my face was oily as extra virgin coconut oil sprayed on a skillet.

Therefore, makeup would separate on my face due to oils kicking in after only 3 or 4 hours! Going out after work was time consuming because I had to re-do makeup, which of course included concealer + foundation + powder.

All those steps made my head spin, just to have a covered-up complexion that left no redness or acne behind, so I can walk out in public without feeling shadows of people secretly staring at my direction.

Summer months were the worst because not only was my face an oilier mess, but my shoulders and upper back were nonstop breakout party. I went many years during summer by covering up and wearing short sleeved everything. Talk about farmer’s tan.

Being at work and at social functions became uncomfortable because people stare and automatically judge – there’s no way around it in our society – unless of course, you have perfect skin that everyone longs for.

I had to make a serious change…I could not keep living my life with anxiety and frustration that wore me out from day to day.

My AHA Moment…

I stumbled upon an article online that stated consuming dairy products caused more sebum production in individual’s skin, which potentially triggered acne. I thought to myself – hmmm…why don’t I cut out dairy for a few weeks and see of any changes.

After 3 weeks, my skin became just a bit less oily but my face was still breaking out – but, I did notice one important change. My back was clearing up quite well.

This was my very first progress on something actually improving my skin without any use of topicals or oral medications. I thought I was unto something…and there was my very first “Aha moment.”

Introduction to Skincare Magic Rituals…

Not too long after, I booked a facial with a holistic esthetician in my area who made me into the individual that I am today.

I cannot express my deep gratitude in words for her profound knowledge and expertise on nutrition + proper skincare.

Because of her, I’m forever indebted on the confidence and self-love that she’s given me. I made this website, aligning with her, Iliana, to bring you all the wealth of information on understanding acne and its solutions through holistic based practices.

My Sole Search for Perfect Skin…

I began looking into nutrition and how it possibly correlates to health. I switched all my skincare and makeup to non-toxic, and completely all-natural + organic.

I started experimenting with supplements with the help of my esthetician. I started researching and applying what I learned through trial and error by testing various vitamins, foods, latest diets, essential oils and holistic practices.

I was my very own Guinea pig.

It took months of gathering data and understanding what worked and what didn’t.

But, I made a breakthrough.

My skin started to change.

My cystic acne stared dissolving but small whiteheads kept popping up. My oil production got much, much lighter.

I got stricter with my routines and after a short amount of time I was waking up to smooth, hydrated, and most importantly, clear skin! I was ecstatic about going foundation free – I haven’t been in this position since I started wearing makeup at the age of 15.

My confidence skyrocketed and I was able to stand straight without hunching over feeling like everyone was staring at my face. Now I wear makeup because it’s fun!

No more heavy, toxic foundation- only a light dusting of pressed mineral powder and I’m ready to take on the day!

I don’t want you to go through all the trial and error alone without any evidence backing up if something will finally work and stop triggering breakouts.

There is so much information out there on acne that overwhelm why some things work on some but not on others.

I created this website because I’m passionate about women’s health and how it correlates to having a gorgeous complexion, naturally!

I want to help you get to that final destination where you wake up and smile at yourself while looking into that mirror because your skin is radiant, smooth, clear, and healthy!

Let’s begin this journey together!

Stay beautiful, naturally!


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Find Out The All-Natural Secrets To Crystal Clear ComplexionClick Here!
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